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Wellness isn’t something that occurs overnight.

There are no quick fixes, fad diets, or magic pills that can give you sustainable health and a vibrant life. It’s something you create over time with simple. everyday changes. It takes time. It takes energy. You’ll have setbacks. But, that’s all part of the journey.

We started right where you are.

At the time of our introduction, our jobs required long days, a lot of travel, and weird schedules that did not always allow for healthy eating and exercise. It was normal on any given day for either of us to get jittery, lightheaded, and experience a crash in energy despite trying our best to eat healthy foods.

Through trial and error, we both have learned what foods work well for our bodies, the importance of movement and rest, experienced pregnancy and motherhood together (our babes are just four days apart), and learned that health is not a destination - it’s a journey.

In 2020, we took our passion for personal wellness and ran with it - first being certified through the Institute for Integrated Nutrition and then launching Everyday Zest - Health and Lifestyle Coaching. Lincoln, Nebraska is our home base, but we serve and empower anyone, near and far, who want to make healthy changes in their lives.

We know how easy it is to get caught up in the daily rhythms of life and not be connected to the world around you, let alone your own body. There’s nothing we want more than for women to be comfortable in their own skin, to tune into their bodies, to have a zest for life. It’s our goal to help others take ownership of their health and learn to build more magical (and healthier) moments into their everyday.


It’s never too late to invest in your health.

Take the leap and get started on your way to healthier you.

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Meet Chelsea

Small-town Nebraska girl who loves watching sunrises over cornfields with coffee in hand.

A couple years ago you would have found me working with college students, wearing blazers, and always having to be the adult in the room. Nowadays I spend most of my time acting like a kid and being playful with my precious babe, claiming the rewarding title of SAHM. Pregnancy and postpartum life led me to do a deep dive into nutrition research so I could best support me and my growing baby, and I have not looked back since. Now, as a Certified Health Coach, I look forward to helping out other mamas as they seek to conceive a child, experience pregnancy in optimal health, embrace their postpartum days, and ultimately become personal health coaches for their family.

My current health obsessions include LMNT electrolytes, blue light blocking glasses after 8:00 pm, Beautycounter’s All Bright C Serum, following the Cycle Syncing Method by Alisa Vitti, and practicing grounding every day by walking barefoot through my backyard.

 Meet Alex

Self-proclaimed home chef who will never turn down dark chocolate or an impromptu dance party.

I’ve worn a lot of different hats over the years, but nothing fills my cup up more than the one I wear today as a stay at home mom and Certified Health Coach. Like so many, my own health struggles are to thank for pushing me down a new path towards holistic health - the catalyst being a very large and stubborn ovarian cyst. It wasn’t until that diagnosis and surgery (and the limited guidance afterwards) did I consider a better route to health. Too often I find myself saying “why isn’t this taught to us?!” in regards to women’s health. As a coach, I want normalize conversations around hormones, pregnancy, and everything in between and encourage women to know their bodies on a deeper level - to know what makes them feel great. By investing now in the mamas, the aunts, the grandmas,, I hope together we can change the picture for younger generations to come.

My healthy go-to’s right now include dry brushing before showering, my BBT thermometer for cycle tracking, iced matcha with homemade cashew creamer, and starting my day (and circadian clock) with a sunrise and mini meditation.

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